Well, it's been a few weeks since I blogged, and I don't really know if I have anything to say- but I thought I would just start writing and see what brilliance my mind comes up with. The last blog was about labor, so I guess I will take it from there. Life with two children has been way better than I expected. I can be honest now and say that I expected to be screaming into pillows, pulling out hair, dealing with sibling rivalry, etc. Yet, none of the above has occurred. Things have been relatively quiet and pretty manageable. Thane is turning out to definitely be his daddy's boy though. He has a few traits that are unmistakeably Ben.
1) To say that he is gassy is an understatement. This kid has an astounding amount of gas and the volume level when it is released would make a grown man blush. There are times at night when I am getting ready to change him that I want to look around the room for the camera. It honestly sounds like there is a fart machine and I am on some prank television show.
2) He plots on me! This child only likes to urinate or defecate when his diaper is off. Sometimes I will try to trick him by opening his diaper and then closing it really fast when he starts to pee. The little booger will hold it though - even if I keep it closed for a minute or two- and will start again as soon as I think it is safe to remove it resulting in urine on my clothes, his clothes, the walls, etc. Now I have raised a boy, so yes, I did kind of expect this. Thane, however, also has the amazing ability (because of his powerful gas release) to produce projectile pooh. I first learned of this super power in the middle of the night- but I probably don't need to go into details here. I'm sure whatever you are picturing will suffice.
3) He only cries over food. (I'm not sure which one I should give an example here for- Ben or Thane.)
4) His big blue eyes melt my heart. (a collective awww was heard.)
haha! Ben must be so proud.
Looks like Ben will have some competition on his hands! Good to see he is 'reaping what he has been sowing' HA!
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