The nurse then said she would get anesthesia to come asap. Things started to pick up immediately and I started having some strong contractions. The picture to the right was probably taken at about 9 am and I believe I was using my "sprinkler breathing method" to overcome until anesthesia arrived. (For all of my pregnant friends- I should show you how to do this. I made it up my self and it is pretty awsome...and comic relief for the nurses.) By about 9:30 I was hunched over ready to receive my epidural. Of course he said the infamous "okay, here comes the bee sting"...followed by another.."okay, another bee sting"...followed by ANOTHER "okay, let's try this again, here's the bee sting". DANG TEACHING HOSPITALS! I should have known when two people came in and the woman instructed the man to "stay calm and remember everything I have taught you." (Just kidding, but she might as well have said that!) Meanwhile, I am learning what true contractions are. Yeah, NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE IT BEFORE!!!! That's right, I admit it. I used to be all defensive when people said things like "oh, you only had to push out a 3 pounder" or "you had the epidural before contractions even started." Even Ben's, "I've taken dumps bigger than 3 pounds." Yeah-I'm not defensive anymore. I had no clue what true labor pain was.
Anyway, that wouldn't have been so bad if it were the end of the story. I just kept telling myself, "the sticks aren't that bad- and there will be relief at the end of this". Ohhhh if I only knew. About 30 minutes later I was laying on my back with my legs and butt completely dead to me- but my abdomen was sharp as a know- the part of your body where all of the contractions are! So here I am, having contractions, but I couldn't shift to try and help the pain. I was grabbing the side railing of the bed trying to pull my body to one side or another to find some relief. I believe I kept my humor for about an hour- I'll have to check with Ben on that. (I have to admit, it was fun in between contractions to smack my butt because I couldn't feel a thing!) Anesthesia stayed in the room for about 2 hours trying to get things to work. At 11:30 though the nurse got the doctor in to check me because she thought I was ready to have the baby- and sure enough I had fully dilated in that time. At about 11:40 the docs were suited up and asked me to turn on my back to get ready to push. LO AND BEHOLD- what happens? The freakin epidural kicks in. Now I can't really feel the contractions that are supposed to signal when I will push. Go figure. :) Nathaniel Bruce Kumor was born at noon.
Okay, all that said, I may sound upset, but it is really just for humor's sake. Yes it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, but I just kept telling myself- "women do this all the time!" Why? I have no idea!...but they still do it. Everything went really quickly though and a couple hours of pain was completely worth it when they placed my baby on my chest immediately after he came out! Of course, he looked like a giant to me and at that moment I truly knew that Nathaniel and the whole pregnancy and labor experience was our "gift from God". I can't express how blessed we felt to have been able to experience things the way they are supposed to be! Nathaniel and me were able to go home from the hospital together two days later. Praise God!
Since then, things have been absolutely wonderful!! I LOVE having two boys at home- and Caleb loves his little brother! He is very protective of him as well. Whenever we have gone out to church or the doctor's office and people try to look at him, Caleb will pull down the shade so no one can see him. He loves holding him and is very gentle and attentive. Probably too attentive, but Thane doesn't seem to mind.
Oh yeah, I asked the nurse after I delievered. I was the first of the three couples to have my baby! Boo ya!
Thanks for the pep talk!
Thanks Steph! You really need to be a writer! I am not sure which would be worse not feeling to low or not feeling to high! It was freaky having a spinal with Anthony for the first time. I couldn't feel myself breathing! I am sure they got a kick out of me asking if I was breathing! I have said it before, but he is gorgeous! Congrats again!
Stong work, sis!
Theoretically, since you're across the room and just read this out loud to me, I could just tell you in person that this was hysterical. But it's more fun to tell you in a comment. ; )
Congrats Stephanie! Both your boys are lucky duck! xoxo
You had me laughing out loud and reading different comments to Evan all through this blog. I guess it gives me something to look forward to when we finally experience the whole labor and delivery. I agree with Beth...I think there is an author inside of you that is dying to surface. You really have a talent!
Very entertaining story like always, Stephanie! I am glad to know that everything went well. Though I must say that you have totally freaked me out with your epidural experience!? You need to take video reenacting your sprinkler breathing :) A first timer needs all the help she can get!
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