Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Fever

So, after 53,000 days of snow, we finally have rain washing it away. I am so excited to see grass, and I am even more excited that I don't have a mound of snow at the end of my driveway blocking my view of any traffic, kids, dogs, etc. that may be coming down the road. I don't think I have hit anything, but I guess the melting snow will reveal that in time.
I don't know when Spring officially starts, but it has started in my house. I refuse to put a coat on myself or my children and for the first time ever, I decided to "Spring Clean". I actually pulled the couches out, cleaned window sills, and yes, as some of you know, finally took down my Christmas tree. I actually think it was a good thing to wait so long. (March 6 to be exact) How many of you were sad after Christmas to take down your tree? Sad that the season was over, and that it was back to business as usual? Yeah, not me. I was so tired of that dang tree that I probably would have been happy to just burn it. (I don't know if that is legal though- kind of like burning the American flag? Burning a symbol of the nativity like that- wait- that's not in the nativity! What the heck is the tree for anyway?)
Along with Spring cleaning also comes really getting those wood floors nice and shiny. My cleaner of choice: Pledge furniture spray. Now, I honestly didn't know that Pledge wasn't for floors until I recently told some friends and got some crazy looks. For goodness' sake, it says for wood surfaces on the can. Wood floors are the epitome of wood surfaces, am I right? Anyway, I will keep you updated on the "slip and fall count". So far we are at 4. (HAHAHAHA make that 5- Thane actually wiped out as I was typing this.)
In honor of Spring (and a less demanding schedule for Ben) Ben and I have decided to take some ballroom dancing lessons. We had our first one on Monday and it was an absolute blast... that is until Ben got paged. When he returned, we assumed our dancing positions and he says "that was just to pronounce someone dead." What a mood killer. We definitely should have scheduled these on a night he wasn't on call.
Finally, Spring means that our trip to Papua New Guinea is that much closer. I'm really excited to see all of the missionaries there again. They are such amazing people and are such great examples for Ben and I. Also on that note I have to give a shout out to God for the AMAZING things I have had the privilege of witnessing this past year. In the words of Sarah Groves:
"I don't claim to have found the Truth, but I KNOW it has found me."
(Okay, make the count 6. Thane slid and crashed again!)


Teri D. said...

HA! I one time polished my floors with pledge as well. They look so shiny after....

Devon said...

Yay! Kumor is back in the blogoshpere!

Ben and Katie said...

We used to get in trouble for pledging the floor when we were mom had less of a sense of humor about it...though we did put a hole through the door to the garage sliding the length of the kitchen!!