Christmas is tomorrow. It's been such a crazy month and it seems like it came so fast this year. I have faithfully listened to Christmas music EVERY SINGLE DAY since the monday before Thanksgiving (That's as early as it was on the radio) and I am so excited that I discovered Pandora online radio where I can continue to play Christmas music as long as I feel like it. :)
On the Christmas station this year they had a radio-thon for the Salvation Army's adopt a family. It was interesting hearing the DJ's try to "sell" the idea. They kept playing clips of people telling their stories and then they would follow up with "no child should go without Christmas." Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against giving and helping another family.... it just made me think about how we view Christmas as children. If we are not careful it can be just another way to beat down self esteem. As a child, Santa would always bring my neighbor Power Wheels vehicles, kitchen sets, and expensive clothes. I always wondered why Santa didn't like me as much. Why did I only get a coat, or a gift with a clearance price tag on it? (It makes me laugh now to think about the time my mother told me that Santa must have drank too much egg nog because he went down the wrong chimney with our Power Wheels.) What does it mean to "go without Christmas"?
Lots of toys, a little bit of toys, no toys...the only way to "go without Christmas" is to not have Christ in your life. There are so many unfathomable gifts he brings us that way overshadow the tickle me elmo or Playstation 9. Because of Him I have hope. Because of him I have had peace in times of trial. He gives me Joy. He gives me burdens for other people...reminding me that I am part of a body, intended to encourage and help. Come to think of it- he gives me absolutely EVERYTHING I need. Their are no clearance price tags on those suckers.
Great post, Stephanie! A great reminder for us all.
As a sidenote, I finally got my Powerwheels20 yrs later. It's a beat up hand-me-down with faded Barbie stickers on it. I can't exactly fit in it, but it's more fun to watch Emma in it anyway. :)
Well said Stephanie. And the beautiful thing about you is that you not only say it, you live it. I feel blessed to be able to call you a friend. Merry Christmas!
so, you couldn't afford gifts this year could
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