Thursday, August 27, 2009

The three year old mind

So, I have decided lately that I am really going to miss Caleb as a three year old. I'm looking forward to having Thane at that point though. The things he comes up with are hilarious. Of course I have examples :)...

"Mama, when I was about your age, then I really LOVED chocolate"

(After explaining to Caleb that milk comes from cows.) "HA! (he goes on as he's laughing) Does the cow put it in a bottle and then walk off with it to the grocery store?"

Ben: "Caleb, mommy wants you to be smarter than me."
Caleb: "No! I don't want to be as smart as you! I want to be as smart as myself!"

Me: "Caleb, we really need to cut your hair"
Caleb: "Why"
Me: "Because it's getting long."
Caleb: "That's because I'm growing up. I think I'm going to be a girl."
Me: "Oh really?"
Caleb: "Yeah, I'm going to be a mommy when I grow up. That's why my hair is
getting long."

I've been pretty sleep deprived lately with Thane waking up every few hours and then up for the day by 7. There are times when I want to bang my head against the wall....and there are times when I actually HAVE banged my head against the wall. (Don't do it, it doesn't help anything. In fact, the situation stays the same except you add a headache.)

To say that I wouldn't trade it for anything would probably be a lie because there are definitely some scenarios I would trade for. (Thane is actually crying in his bedroom fighting his nap as I type this.) However, these little boys that God has entrusted me with fill my life with so much joy compared to the frustration. Now, we'll see how this balance changes as they grow. :)


Heather Day said...

Awww.... I love that he wants to be mommy when he grows up. haha

Em said...

Thanks for the laugh - I needed that :-)