At the end of the day, my husband comes home and asks "How was your day, honey?". "Let me see", I reply, then I think to my self. "He's had a long day- should I tell him about Caleb grinding an apple filled cereal bar into the sofa, or the major tantrum that left Asian noodles all over the kitchen floors, or the ladies that tried to talk to me about everything I was doing wrong".
"Well", I finally answer, "It was okay...uh....Caleb said the funniest thing as he was getting out of time out...."
The scenario made me wonder- how do I gauge a day? Is it by the number of times Caleb listens or doesn't listen? Is it by the number of times Caleb, Thane, or I cry? Is it by the the amount of toys or food scattered on the ground? I have come to decide that I can gauge a day based on the amount of SOS calls made to God. Usually it's one or two, but yesterday....yesterday I didn't hang up. It was a speakerphone kind of day.
Been There!! The boys are adorable! Thane is getting so big! Miss you!
I hope today goes better. Put your speakerphone on "Forward all Calls"
Love it! Good blog. : )
Love you! And by the way, you do a great job with our boys. Nice picture selection!
I've been there, too, though a long time ago :) Rest assured, you'll make it! And you'll forget the hard times and just remember the sweet times! Keep up your good work of molding these two little guys!
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