So, this has been a pretty tough few months around here. Ben is working inpatient services and he is just plain busy. He's also just plain exhausted. He works long hours and then has to take some calls at night. With most people who have busy schedules, they can at least look forward to the weekend but poor Ben doesn't even have that. The good news is that this will all be over in about a week! We can't wait!! Long hours for Ben means long hours for me as well. I have never felt more sympathy for single mothers! I don't know how they do it. It seems like every time I am about to reach my limit, though, Caleb will say or do something that reminds me why I couldn't be without my children! Case in point, today, when I was honestly at my witt's end, Caleb says out of the blue, "Mommy, I love you!" He then, of course, proceeded to tell me that I was grouchy. Ouch. At least he loves me in spite of that. :)
On a completely different note, Caleb is just growing up so much! Lately he has wanted to go to the bathroom all by himself. All I can say is thank goodness for hardwood floors! He is just barely tall enough to reach over the rim of the toilet. His newest thing, thanks to his dad I might add, is that he wants to "aim" it. It is fine that Ben has encouraged him to "aim", but he didn't really focus on the definition of the word. Caleb thinks it means to put his finger on his little tallywacker and spin it in circles. I don't know where he learned this, but there is only one other potty trained tallywacker in the house.... that's all I'm sayin'. (Now that I think about it, maybe this is from his "name-writing in the snow lessons." Either way, I'm not gonna deal with it. I'll just keep wiping up the floor until Ben helps him perfect this.)
On another nother note... I have the most amazing husband. He does the most thoughtful things and even when he is completely exhausted he will take time for Caleb, Thane, and I. Yeah, definitely the greatest guy ever!
Ya gotta throw some cheerios in the toilet for targets. Toby, by the way, will just poop down his leg when we take his diaper off.
Do I need to locate some of those toilet targets you guys had registered for way back when and send them to you? I laughed out loud when I read this blog...then proceeded to tell Evan about it. I'm glad there's never a dull moment in the Kumor have to just reflect on the day and laugh your head off. Miss you guys!
I want to come see my grandsons. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing their parents.
Dad Quimbly
Wow, I'm way behind on my reading since I just saw this. Good blog Steph... I miss you and all your boys.
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