-a discussion of the anus and it's role in food excretion from the body.
-a lively discussion on all of the names for the man's "special part". (Which ended with them focusing on "tally wacker" as a good label.)
- Ben (excitedly, I might add) teaching Caleb the art of writing his name with urine in the snow.
- but most of all, I love that Ben is teaching Caleb that I am their "special lady". It's just so sweet, and makes being the only one on the girls team totally worth it!
Caleb is such a little sponge right now. It's amazing how much he is learning and retaining! I am loving his literal interpretation of everything though. Yesterday, Ben was bundling Caleb up to play in the snow and Caleb couldn't find his gloves. So, Ben says, "It's ok Caleb, I'll look for you". To which Caleb responds, "daddy, I'm right here!".
That reminded me of an interaction I had with him recently. I was taking him to the bathroom and he said "mommy, my pee is really yellow". I replied, "yeah, that means you need to drink more", to which he responded, "drink more pee pee?". LOVE IT!
As you can see, the littlest Kumor is learning from his father and brother as well. He always gives me this look like "are you kidding me mom" and I was fortunate enough to get it on camera. I know what you are thinking, he's too young to be mischevious- well, just check my earlier blog for my response to that. I have a feeling I am going to have an ornry bunch on my hands....and I'm gonna love every minute of it!
Check out Caleb's new video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SpxsV0SGq8
That is a great look he gives!! Having at least one ornery boy I know what you are living with :o)
Ha! Funny stuff.
I hope your boys don't corrupt my girl at Christmas. ; )
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