Well, three more days and I am considered full term. What can I say except I never would have believed it 9 weeks ago! I'm so thankful and truly blessed to have such a great support system. With all of my heart, thank you all for your prayers! I can't wait to bring home my giant baby!! Woohoo.
As you can see, Nathaniel's room is completely ready now. Complete with the typical name above the bed...just so if he wakes up confused he knows who he is. (It always works for me in my room.)
So, like I said in the title, this weekend we have had another false alarm. I think I have had every nurse on the OB floor at one time or another. We are all BFFs. It's funny because each time I go back, they give me a later marker to look for. At first it was, "call us when you have more than 6 contractions an hour." Then it went to "call us if they are every 5 minutes and it starts to go into your lower back." Next, which is why I went in last night, "call when they are every 3-5 minutes apart". (So, of course we went in because for three hours they were consistently less than 5 minutes apart.) Yet after a jog around the hospital and some tackle football my cervix didn't change. My instruction now is to come in if I hear crying coming from between my legs.
(To my dear friend Sheila who is dealing with something similar, I think we need to start an "irritable uterus" club as we have both been diagnosed with the same lovely condition.)
On another note, I am learning the joys of having a three year old. (No, Caleb isn't three yet, but I don't think he knows it.) The budding autonomy is a beautiful thing...except when it clashes with my desire to accomplish ANYTHING! One major discovery is that he can accomplish what he wants by making me laugh. I don't know how he comes up with the things he does. Case in point- our bedtime fiasco:
C: "Mom, I have to tell you something very important."
M: "Caleb, tell me in the morning, it is time for bed. Goodnight."
C: "Mom, it is very important."
M: Walks into room "Yes, Caleb?"
C "Mom, I need to relax in my easy chair and read the sports section."
M: (Keeping a straight face to the best of my ability) "Caleb, the paper comes in the morning, you can look at it then. Goodnight." Leaves room.
----A few minutes pass---
C: "Mom, I need to check my e-mail."
M: "Caleb, goodnight".
C: "Mom, I need a snack, my stomach is hungry"
--more dialogue leading to me letting him come into the kitchen and get a snack. I get him a cheese stick and sit with him while he "eats"---
C: "Mom, watch what I can do." He then proceeds to jam the cheese stick up his nose then pulls it out. "Look, I got a booger". He then, of course, proceeds to eat it.
--Caleb finishes his snack---
M: "Okay Caleb, now it is time to go lay down."
C: Runs into living room and grabs the phone on his way into his bedroom and yells "I have to call someone."
That, my friends occured 20 minutes ago. I can't help now but just sit and smile about the joy this kid brings into my life. Yes, he's a little booger, and it's interesting how daily life with him reminds me of the stories my mom told of me when I was young. So- sorry mom, for the pain in the butt moments- but admit it....I made you smile!!!

I love it! Way to go Steph, keeping that Baby in there. Can't wait to see pics of the newest Kumor.
Geez, they are getting younger and younger when they start to get e-mail. Does he get his cell when he turns 3?
Steph, congrats on getting this far! I loved the Caleb bedtime story! That kid must be really 30 trapped in a tiny body (have you seen the preview for that weird Brad Pitt movie?)!
Anyway, the cheese stick booger trick was my favorite. I keep thinking that children are a product of their environment. So who did he learn that one from, you or Ben? :)
I hope you and the boys are doing well! Josh and I can't wait to hear about little Thane being born!
That is an awesome story. What is it with boys and their boogers? One of mine when they were 3 decided to share his with a little girl on stage(during a musical)at church!Of course everyone looks to the parents when these things occur. I am glad you are feeling great!
Ha! Funny stuff. I especially enjoyed the pics at the end.
Caleb sure is the funniest little boy. I love reading your blogs, especially the ones that include Caleb stories. 37 weeks! WOO-HOO! I read on Facebook that you're feeling funny today...does that mean "I'm having a baby today funny"? Let us know when the little guy makes his arrival. Love you guys!
You are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
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