Thursday, August 14, 2008

Home from the slammer

Well, what can I say. I'm just not good at this baby carrying business. My oven only stays cooking for around 29 weeks then it does an automatic shut off. Luckily we were able to reset everything but we just aren't sure how well my timer works. I guess we'll see....
I went into labor last Friday evening and finally went into the hospital at 3 a.m. They put me on magnesium to stop everything and gave me some steroid shots for the baby's lungs. Over the weekend, things calmed down and I got to come home on Tuesday. Poor Caleb was bounced around the whole time, but he seems to have survived in one piece.
One of the hardest things has been realizing that this is the last baby I will carry. We had decided from the get-go that if there were any problems that we would accept that this would be the last. It just doesn't seem fair to put these little lives in danger. God is teaching me though, just to be thankful for these little blessings I have and realize that He, in all of his wisdom, may have other plans for us or even future children through other means.
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers. It has meant alot to Ben and I.

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