So, it's amazing how easy it is to pinpoint where new behaviors come from when you stay at home with your child and they have limited interaction with the outside world. Lately Caleb learned from two, a bit older, children the term "I'm bored." I don't know why, but this particular term makes me so incredibly mad! Bored? Really?
Three different times today he used the phrase and each time I calmly explained to him that he wasn't bored. The final time he said it was in Thane's room, while actually playing with his toys. It was then that I lost my temper. "Caleb, if you say that one more time, I am going to take away all of your toys and show you what being bored really is!"
I smile now, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I do the same thing. How many times does God look down at me and want to say, "Are you kidding me? You keep groaning and I'll really give you something to complain about."
It is so easy to jump on the bandwagon of discontentment. And once there, it is even easier to drag others into the trap of negativity with if company will improve things.
I don't want to be that person. I am supposed to be living a life that is "worthy of the calling" of Jesus Christ.
I have a ways to go.
He is helping me though...and that is exciting to me!
Caleb did end up having some toys taken away, but he learned quickly after that. Later in the afternoon I walked downstairs to check on him where he was playing with his trains. Right as I came into the room he said emphatically, "mommy, I'm playing with my trains and I'm not bored at all!"
Caleb is a smart boy. I hope I can learn as fast as him.
On a different, but related note, I've been reading the Message bible lately. I love how Eugene Peterson has paraphrased the bible into today's language. It's been a nice study guide and conversation starter for Ben and I. God is showing me some new truths and insights and I have to say that I am so thankful to have that relationship. I'm also seeing how much grace I need in certain areas of my life.
Every once and awhile I guess you just need to say things..I mean type that out loud.